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Water - Part One | Photography

water (noun)
1.  a colourless, transparent, odourless, liquid which forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.
2.  a stretch or area of water, such as a river, sea, or lake.

Cornwall, UK

Cornwall, UK

Cornwall, UK

Cornwall, UK

Cornwall, UK

An exploration of water in Cornwall, exploring how I interact with it within a small period. I chose to study the walk I walk with my dog. The water is from the farmlands flowing across the country lanes down to the lower fields.

That's all for now, speak soon!

Paris | Visual Diary

I've meant to do this post since November - last year! Here is my generic and unoriginal week away to Paris in photographs. It was my first time in the City of Love (the closest I had ever been was Disneyland Paris).  

Prepare for lots of photographs...

Somewhere in the English Channel

The view from the hostel window
Paris Skyline

The streets of Paris
The Eiffel Tower, France

The Eiffel Tower, France

Institut of Arabe, France

The Institut of Arabe, France

The Paris Skyline from above

The view from the hostel window

The Notre Dame, Paris, France

The Notre Dame, Paris, France

The Notre Dame, Paris, France

Paris, France

Le Louvre, Paris, France

Le Louvre, Paris, France

The local dog nursery, Le Louvre, Paris, France

Paris Photo Festival, Paris, France

Paris, France

Paris, France

The Notre Dame, Paris, France

Le Louvre's infamous glass roof, Paris, France

Le Louvre, Paris, France

One of the beautiful rooms in Le Louvre, Paris, France

Le Louvre (at night), Paris, France
If you're interested in keeping up to date with my day-to-day life, follow me on Instagram or Facebook! (I also have another Instagram account specifically for my photography!)

That's all for now, speak soon!

New Year, New Blog?

There are two stories; the short and the long and I'll give you both:

Short Story:
I lost all of the images off of my previous photography blog and decided to take the opportunity to reinvent my small home on the internet.
Summerleaze Beach, Bude, UK
Long Story:
I have no idea how I lost all of those images. If you were unfortunate enough to come across my old blog, before I made it private, you would've seen pages full of '?' and squares. I do have all of the photographs backed up onto hard drives, but I'm too lazy to go back through FOUR years of blogging and guess what each photo was originally. I'm feeling very bittersweet over making a new blog. I'm making this live on what would've been the four-year "anniversary" of making PointSnapFlash. Which makes me sad. I lost four years of internet life. However, now I get a new, shiny blog to fill with rambles and images.
What now, you ask?
The photography blog is going to continue! "woo" *fist pump* BUT, I'm thinking about including some more lifestyle posts and making everything more 'wordy.'
www.kayleighbicklephotography.com will still be live and will continue to be used my online portfolio; THIS space will be my online journal/notebook/thought-space. Both will run side-by-side but have different purposes. Website = Formal Kayleigh Bickle, Blog = informal Kay! Simple.

In true New Year tradition, I thought it was only appropriate to make some Resolutions for my little blog:

  1. Blog more. Anything & everything. From photography, days out, books, whatever makes me want to write and create.
  2. That's all really. Slight anticlimax. 
Have a look around and see what's new. There will be posts up on Wednesday's and Sunday's for the foreseeable future!

That's all for now, speak soon!