First things first (i'm a realist), this is my first book review of 2018... in June!
Synopsis: "Live life in a bubble? Or risk everything for love? Maddy is allergic to the world. She hasn't left her house in seventeen years. Olly is the boy next door. He's determined to find a way to reach her. Everything, Everything is about the crazy risks we take for love."
I have given this book 4 out of 5 stars on Goodreads.
I really enjoyed it. I didn't see the twist though, until two pages before it happened. For a YA novel, I can see why it didn't go too deep into the topics it discusses. However, I would've loved to have had a more in-depth and background on Olly's story and home life, it felt slightly lacking for me - but the story is meant to be about Maddy, so it makes sense.
Also, I would really like a small chapter at the end to give some details on what Maddy does after the story. I'm trying not to write any spoilers, or give too much away, but I would love to know how everything that happened changed her life and how she dealt with it all in the long run.
It's really nice to see a YA novel with a decent and actually considerate (looking at all YA 'boyfriends', they're dicks. Don't fight me on this one.) boyfriend figure. And, MOST IMPORTANTLY, a woman (girl, she was 17 at the start of the novel) of colour as the protagonist of the story!
I'm really glad that I read this book to get back into reading. It's the first book I've managed to finish in 2018 (only 29 more and I've reached my reading goal for 2018). I specifically chose a YA because they're easier to read. And, I could've flown through this book. The chapters aren't conventional, some are just illustrations or word meanings, which I didn't love to start with (it meant I could've read one chapter before bed, but had to pick a number of pages instead - I'm being fussy), but in the end, I love the structure. It doesn't give you ALL of the details either, but you don't feel like you're missing out on a storyline.
Have you read this book or any others by Nicola Yoon? I think I'm going to read another YA novel next, just to keep the reading pace going before getting into some big reads again.
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