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REVIEW: Wilde About the Girl by Louise Pentland

If you haven't read it already, here is my review of Louise Pentland's debut novel and the first book in the Wilde series.

To say I enjoyed Wilde About the Girl would be an understatement. I started this book on a rainy Saturday night, in a room of candles and fairy lights (it was honestly a dream). And I had finished it before 7pm the following day! It was such an easy read. 

If you haven't read Wilde Like Me or Wilde About the Girl before, there is going to be some slight spoilers. Nothing major. This isn't like in secondary school when someone would tell everyone that Lennie died before they got past chapter 4. Is it too late to say Spoiler for that one?

Firstly, the Wilde books are laid out over a year. Every few chapters look over an event(s) that happened in those months. Which is both good and bad. You do miss out details, but you don't feel like you're missing out on enough to be annoyed. 

Secondly, if you have read this can you tell me what THE THING is? Which event in the book is THE THING? Every time I would get to a new moment, I would think that's THE THING. Anyway, enough of THE THING.

Wilde touches on some delicate subjects, in both books, however, it's not too much. I'm awful at reading books with distressing or troubling events, I feel too much compassion, but I could handle this and still appreciate the event itself through Robin's eyes. 

Every time I read a YouTuber or Internet Famous Person's book, I'm always hesitant. I judge their ease of getting a book deal. And even though I had Wilde Like Me, I was still nervous about this book. But I regret that I do believe that if Louise Pentland wasn't a Youtuber, this would still be a brilliant book and sit nicely alongside Sophie Kinsella, Paige Toon, and co. 

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think?

Also, this book is only FIVE POUNDS in Tesco & ASDA. Save your pennies, and buy it in store!


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