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Autumn Goals

I do try to write New Years Resolutions at the start of the year, but I didn't this year. It'll be random goals, like cleaning my room regularly, learning something new, etc. To try and the year on a high, I'm setting myself ten goals to work towards before the end of the year.

01) Pass my driving test - I may or may not have sat my first driving test when you're reading this post, but on 13th September I'm going to try and pass my driving test. If I don't pass, I'm going to be hopeful and book another one straight after. Keep every limb crossed for me, if I haven't passed yet!

02) Capsule Wardrobe - I've put EVERYTHING (minus extremely thick jumpers and shorts) in my wardrobe to see what I do or, more importantly, what I do not wear. Whatever I don't wear after September, I'll be selling on Depop or giving to charity. I used to be really good at keeping my wardrobe streamlined, but this past year I've let it go.

03) Read - I'm going back to uni. I'm going to forget to pick up a book. I'm hoping audiobooks will save me from a reading slump though.

04) Dissertation - I'm handing in just after Christmas. I'm going to be amazed if I manage to write one.

05) Strong and Stable Job - I'm looking for a job closer to home, I've got a couple lined up - fingers crossed I find a job that I can stay in after uni!

06) Enjoy Autumn! - Autumn is my favourite month. But I ALWAYS wish it a way too quickly, because I love Christmas too much. This year, I'm putting Christmas on hold, and I'm going to enjoy Autumn!

07) Go into uni EVERY scheduled day - I'm awful at cancelling tutorials when I have a cold or feel slightly under the weather, this year, I'm going to try and go in every-single-day!

08) Get another piercing - I've been meaning to all year. I keep meaning to book in another tattoo too, but I'm also sh*t at saving money.

09) Stick to my bullet journal - I've kept one, on and off, for the past couple of year. But this time I'm committing to mine (here), until at least 2018!

10) Relaunch my photography website (www.kayleighbicklephotography.com) - I took it down over summer to work on a redesign, but I'm yet to go live again.

Do you have any goals for Autumn?

- kayleighbkl

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