I know this is said a LOT, but where has the year gone?
A strange month. All of the change. Really long and difficult at times.
The end of July, I quit my long-term job. I wasn't earning enough money and was bored. I've started a 40 hour a week job - my last go at a summer job? - and I'm getting ready to pick up all the bills again, graduation, life, friends, family, it's all happening in September for me.
Looking back on August, all I can remember was having a week off between jobs and starting my new job. So that's where we will start...
01. NEW JOB!
Honestly, I was so happy to start my new job and branch into a new area of customer service. However, I do not enjoy not knowing my job. I feel useless at times, because for 80% of the day I can be left to do the job, and the last 20% I'm constantly asking for help and finding someone to help me. Considering I went from being the top of my area, and now I'm the bottom - it's a change, and a difficult one.
It was amazing. It was my little stint of summer. We had some family days out (here, and here), I was invited to a Photography Workshop (here), and did a fair bit of shopping!
I think I'm starting to get back into a pattern with my photography. Remembering to take my camera out with me. Documenting outside of my bubble. And, hopefully, I'm starting to pull together a starting point for a new project(!?).
Admittedly my personal Instagram is slacking right now, and I'm not loving it. BUT, I am loving my photography Instagram. I've found a way to mix the different styles of photography that I love to create. I'm interacting with people, they're interacting with me. I'm just loving it. P.S. Follow me here!
This is a strange one. But I've been REALLY proud of myself recently. I have two degrees. I can drive a car. I have a long-term relationship. Every job I have had an interview for (in recent months) I've got - even if I haven't accepted them or wanted them all. I'm becoming more confident in my work-life, I can walk up to new colleagues and just talk to them - which I never would've done a year, two years ago. Also, throwback, but I had a show in London.
Because September is going to be crazy, the whole blogging schedule 'thing' is going to be put on hold. I've got a lot of life changes happening, and I want a more relaxed involvement. There will be posts, just not as strict, but in October we will reevaluate the blog and decide how to go forward with it all. But follow me on Instagram (here) and I will give you updates when I have posted new work.
What are your achievements from August?