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No one is you

There is something to be said about slowing down. Whether that be for five minutes or your whole way of life. Still life photography helps me to slow down - I can spend hours creating these little displays and faffing around with seed placement, just to take a photo and move onto the next one. 

If you're following me on Instagram (click HERE, if you aren't already) then you would've seen a recent rise in still life photographs on my feed. I thought still life photography was too simple and boring for anyone to be interested, and tried so hard to think of exciting projects that other people on my course would create - but that just isn't me. I'm so happy creating a little still life and having just one photo at the end of the day, over having a billion photographs of Dartmoor. 

Mostly, this post is to remind me (and you, if you need it) to stay true to yourself, and stop trying to create (or have) what other people have in their lives.

'No one is you that is your power' 

It took me sitting down and thinking about what work I want to create after uni, for me to realise this is what I want to create. So just do you!

- Kayleigh Bickle

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