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what's on my bedside table

Spoiler: clutter. 

I got this bedside table over seven years ago from a random recycling furniture shop. I only got it because a) it was cheap, and b) I wanted a bedside table. Before this, I had a 'high' bed - meaning it was very impractical to have a bedside table 4ft below my actual bed. It's a fairly basic three drawer setup (see similar here, here, and here). The bottom two drawers are where I keep my underwear, and the top drawer is a glorified junk drawer - from remote controls to matches, to receipts, and light bulbs. 

I'm constantly fiddling around with the top though, after trying to keep it looking lovely and stylish, I've decided cluttered and practical is my need. And apparently a lot of floral prints.

The basics:

Lamp (similar here - almost identical) is originally from B&Q - probably the cheapest one they were selling when I wanted a new lamp. This lamp has traveled to uni and back home again with me, you have to replace the bulbs every year or so, but overall a good choice. I, almost, exclusively use the lamp in my bedroom and detest using the main light. I prefer the cozy 'hygge' look. 

Photo-frame (a gift from my Great Gran - probably something she found in her elderly center on a charity table - bless her soul). It holds a photo of Andrew and I from a couple of years ago. 

Reed Diffuser (Molton Brown here) - I bought my Mum a reed diffuser (here) a few years ago from Molton Brown and she loved it. So, when Christmas came around I asked if she would buy me one in return - they're pricey, and definitely not something you want to buy for yourself, but they smell so lovely! And this one is still half-full after a year of use!!  

Trinket Dish (see Great Gran's extensive collection of 'tat' - can I be a snob and say it's vintage?) this is where I keep my daily jewelry at the end of the day - and other odds & ends that make their way beside the bed. 

Interchangeable extras:

Laptop. Sometimes it makes it onto the bedside table. Other times I end up putting it on the floor beside my bed.

Magazines. Currently, I have the Spring(?!) issue of Oh Comely magazine (here) on my bedside table. But other favourites are; Elementum (here), Frankie (here), bedboat (here), and Cereal (here).

Bullet Journal. Like my laptop, this just ends up plonked in random corners of the room. This is the leuchturrm 1917 A5 in anthracite [see: grey.] (here). I'm reaching the end of this bullet journal, I think once this chap is finished I'm going to downsize to the A6/pocket bujo. 

Book. I constantly have half-finished books on my bedside table. I recently moved them back to the bookshelf - because I've been trying to read Bridget Jones' diary since last October! However, I'm currently reading Red Sparrow by Jason Matthews (here) (short review, although I'm only 100 pages in, you can tell it is written by a man).  

Flowers. I normally let my flowers dry up. I actually think dry flowers look nice, but they can be messy. This vase (correction: jug) is another find from my Great Gran and the flowers were £1.34 in the Tesco reduced bin. 

Drink. In the past, I've had a collection of various glasses gather on this table. But recently I've invested (an understatement at the cost) in a Chillys water bottle (here) and I've been taking it everywhere with me! (Might do a post on cutting plastic out of my life? Interested? Let me know.) 

Other items that end up on my bedside table are my purse, keys, trinkets around the room, various plants, and beauty products that go walkabouts around the room. 

Honorable mentions:

The various hairbands/clips that gather on my bedside table, 
the layer of dust under my lamp, 
and to my iphone charger
Other stuff: cable holders (Tiger), drawer knobs (B&M), and decorative heart (Primark).

What essentials do you have to have on your bedside table? Or do you exist without clutter next to your bed? 

P.S. Italic style font? Yay or nay? Let me know if it's awful. Or if you prefer the classic font?

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